
  • Stupid Mississauga Taxpayers: You paid $44.99 plus tax per Video DV in 2019!

Bee Hap2py!
Be a Blockclerk.

About Us


Blockclerk system is a stigmergy governance to take care our community from election system block by block. Everyone has 3 level muscle, brain, and dream powers: energy, synergy, and stigmergy, but the election system locked personal stigmergy power. The Blockclerk system will unlock your personal stigmergy/dream power!

Blockclerk is a property owner in a street block who selected by lottery drew. The property owners who liked to be a weekly policy informer, project coordinator, and fun party organizer for his/her street block will put their name on the lottery drew of Blockclerk. The winner will be the Blockclerk of his/her street block. He/she will use home office and be paid by donation.

If any person from the street block against the Blockclerk, a weekend block Assembly will take place to decide. A new Blockclerk lottery drew will take place, if 51% vote for the Blockclerk out. If nobody against, the Blockclerk will stay as long as he/she liked.

Cityclerk is a person from Blockclerks of the city by lottery drew. If any person against the cityclerk, all Bockclerks will vote to decide the cityclerk out or stay.

Provinceclerk is a person from Cityclerks of a province by lottery drew. If any person against the provinceclerk, all cityclerks will vote to decide the provinceclerk out or stay.

Federalclerk is a person from provinceclerks of a nation by lottery drew. If any person against the federalclerk, all provinceclerks will vote to decide the Federalclerk out or stay.

Imagine – John Lennon

You are the slaves of corporation. The owners of corporation use politicians turn you into taxpayers, voters, and consumers. Let you work for elite’s corporations as slaves and named as Middle Class.

  • February 20, 2019 – Privy Council Clerk of Canada (I named it as CEO of Corporation of the Nation of Canada) Michael Wernick : “I’m worried that somebody’s going to be shot in this country this year during the political campaign.”
  • Sep 14, 2019 – Liberal Leader of Canada Justin Trudeau “We respect the decisions made by our professional public servants. We respect the decision made by the clerk.” when dogged by questions about why he won’t waive cabinet confidence to assist the RCMP’s probe into the SNC-Lavalin scandal.
  • Sep 29, 2019 – Justin Trudeau: “Middle class Canadians do the heavy lifting in our economy.”

I am unlocking your stigmergy/dream power as 12free and happy as bees. Unlike honey bee, Human being do not trust themselves, they trust politicians; you like revolution and election but evolution; you work against Mother Nature. That is why, human being are not happy as honey bee. You are the stupid animal on earth.

You ARE rich powerful but give it away to corporation who need nation to RULE U$. I liked you keep it as 1,2,free. 1. VOTE for issues not person. 2. Government without politician you tell your service personal where you like your TAX go. Free: Join the evolution as Wikipedia does toward Stigmergy Age.

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太吉主前,Bee hap2py。

Touchi Artist PLAY

Bee hap2py. 

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Bee Hap2py!!

Sexy @ work!!!

Jucy in bed!!!!

Touchi Art 太吉术 Meditation Yoga
3067 Kirwin Ave. Mississauga, Ontario, 加拿大 L5A 2K8

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